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   人气: 3653    日期: 2019/2/5

2 1 日,中国驻奥克兰总领馆新春招待会在奥克兰举 行。许尔文总领事发表了主旨演讲,新西兰政府民族事务 部长长珍妮·萨塞来,奥克兰市长菲尔.高尔夫先生,国家党国会议员等政要代表分别致词。

应中国驻奥克兰总领事馆邀请,黃伟雄作为当地唯一华 人华侨代表发言。伟雄用新西兰人的方式,以自身经历讲 了从中国改革开放 40 年,首 20 年在中国亲历中国改革开 放,到今天中国“站起来,富起来和强起来”; 同时赞赏新 西兰近 20 年的包容和多元文化政策,使自己有机会在新西 兰学习,工作,从政(当选二届地方市区议员)。以及不忘 初心, 积极服务新西兰社会:还当选为国立学校校董 (Sunnyhills), 和入选新西兰世界领先、最著名的新西兰皇家 游艇俱乐部国际合作智库核心成员,为新西兰 2021 年主 办的世界三大体育赛事之 36 届美洲杯大赛提供咨询服务。

作为华人第二代人,女儿,上个月刚从奥克兰大学毕业, 这个月己被世界三大会计师事务所之 KPMG(毕马威会计师 事会所网罗聘请,成为其专业团队一员,践行其公司使命“为新西兰的繁荣富强添砖加瓦(Fuelling New Zealand" Prosperity").

两代华人在新西兰的故事。证明华人华侨也会与当地 新西兰人 Kiwi 一道坚定信心,携手前行,共创未来”。 (王歧山副主席 2019 年在达沃思世界经济论坛主题语)

伟雄以讲自己亲身经历的的形式发言,受到各方好评: 受到许尔文总领事积极评价,和相关领事赞赏。还有当时 在场的几个国会议员希望要我的发言原稿给他/她们。有几个在场的国会议员私下跟我讲“你的真实故事令我对华人有更深入的认识与感受”。现任新西兰政府驻香港总领事看了发言稿亦为此专门点赞。

目前新西兰社会中有对中资机构、华人华侨不理解 (例如 新西兰政府对新西兰华为公司 5G 项目态度,伟雄 就有亲友在新西兰政府通信安全局(GCSB)工作)。今天 确是有幸受邀,在总领事馆主办的新春中外人士招待会上 作为当地唯一华人发言,向主流社会分享伟雄(作为第一代 大陆移民)的个人经历和女儿作为第二代华人在新西兰的 故事。用两代华人的经历与事实展现中国人的承诺。

Dear Consul General, Madam Xu Er Wen, Ladies and gentlemen,Friends,

It is my great honour to say a few words as one of thousands of Chinese New Zealanders at this special occasion to welcome the year of the Pig, and to celebrate the 2019 China-New Zealand year of Tourism.

My name is Wayne Huang. I am the principal of the Institute of Commercial Education NZ in Auckland. I have been living in NZ for more than 20 years now.

Looking back at the past 40 years of my life, I feel fortunate to have lived in two great countries, China and NZ, and witnessed and experienced some of their history-making changes.

In the first 20 years, I experienced China’s economic reforms and opening-up since 1978, Now China has stood up, grown rich, and become strong. It has come to embrace the brilliant prospects.

In the more recent 20 years, I have been experiencing and appreciating New Zealand’s uniquely inclusive and diverse environment, which makes this country a great place to live, study, raise a family and do business. My experiences truly reflect these.

As a first generation Chinese migrant, I graduated with a MCom degree from the University of Auckland. I have then set up and run my own business in Pakuranga, during which time I have also had the honour to serve as an elected member in the former Manukau City Council and as a Howick Local Board member in the Auckland Council.

Currently, my community services include being a Board of Trustee member at the Sunnyhills Primary School in Pukuranga, and an Advisory Committee member in The Royal New Zealand Yachting Squadron an internationally known club. It is also the current home of the America’s Cup and will be represented in the 36th America’s Cup challenge in 2021 by the Emirates Team New Zealand.

Last December, my daughter, Lisa, also graduated from the University of Auckland, and will join the KPMG Auckland team this month and contribute to the firm’s mission of “Fuelling New Zealand’s prosperity” and beyond.

I firmly believe that Chinese New Zealanders can “stay confident and work together for a shared future” with their Kiwi friends and neighbours. We can all make our community better and greater.

Finally, I wish all of you a Happy Chinese New Year. 


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