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   人气: 3527    日期: 2013/10/2

原奥克兰市政府认为护瑅管理是基本服务也明白很多市民没有割草机和多户住宅要维护是非常困难的,Albert Eden Roskill区市议员Christine Fletcher表示。






Christine Fletcher, Auckland Councillor Albert Eden Roskill, 6315948 or 0272760013


The legacy Auckland City Council considered berm maintenance a core service knowing that many residents do not own lawnmowers and maintenance on sites with multiple dwellings is difficult, says Auckland Councillor Albert Eden Roskill, Christine Fletcher.


 The failure of the mayor and short sighted councillors to anticipate the current debacle and risks posed to public health and safety displays an abdication of public duty and responsibility.


Furthermore there was no transitional strategy put in place. They were comfortable with imposing significant rates increase at the same time as introducing a reduction in service level impacting harshly on the elderly and those on fixed incomes not in a position to employ contractors to maintain the grass,” argues Fletcher.


Disability groups have long advocated for hazard free footpaths and berm maintenance to protect the health and well-being of citizens. There is additional concern that this unsightly ground cover attracts rodents as well as fears for children playing on long grass unable to see broken glass and other dangers. 


This risk is high with spring growth, school holidays and longer hours of daylight. The Mayor should convene council to reconsider the matter.


上一篇:青岛舰对新西兰奥克兰民众开放 数万民众冒雨参观

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