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The Dragon & Taniwha Concert 匯龍音樂會

   人气: 3496    日期: 2013/9/12

By The Music Association of Auckland:    由奧克蘭音樂協會主辨

Sunday 13Oct 7pm – Baradene Concert Hall

237 Victoria Avenue Remuera

Ticket: $15 General Admission

            $10 Senior/Student

            $50  VIP

Booking:  0800 588 118


Conductor: Fang Ni 方妮指揮

Special Guest: Te Pou Whakairo [Ngati Whatua of Orakei]  毛利隊特邀演出



Special selections of Chinese choral and ensemble works  經典中文歌曲混聲小組合唱:

Pearl of the Orient  東方之珠

Endless Love   不了情

Youth Song of Dance   青春舞曲

To a Beautiful Place    去一個美麗的地方

Guests from afar Please Stay   遠方的客人請你留下來

Ah La Mu Han   阿拉木汗

Creek    清流

Cliff      懸崖 

Home Town Affection    鄉音鄉情

Joyful Party   快樂的聚會

Falling Leaves  飄落

Chinese Instruments - Erhu solo accompany by Dulcimer 二胡獨奏,揚琴伴奏

Czardas     查爾達斯

The Moon Mirrored in the Spring   二泉映月

Western Repertoires for choir/duet/soloists  外語歌合唱/二重唱獨唱:

For Unto Us a Child is Born  聖嬰降臨 

Beautiful Village  美麗的村莊

Die Lustige Witwe [Merry Widow]  愛情圓舞曲

Torna a Surriento  重歸蘇蓮托

Piangerò la sorte mia    我哭泣,為我的命運     

Maori Songs  by MAA/Te Pou Whakairo毛利歌曲合唱

Hine e Hine [Maori Lullaby]  毛利搖籃曲

Tutira Mai [We Stand As One]   我們在一起 

Te Pou Whakairo Kapa Haka Performance  毛利文化隊演出



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