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2010 ASB Polyfest (组图)

   人气:     日期: 2010/4/5

The ASB Polyfest is the largest Maori & Pacific Island’s cultural festival in the world. In 2009 it attracted record spectator numbers of over 90,000, with 9000 students competing from 59 schools.

The 2010 festival takes place from the 17th – 20th of March at the Manukau Sportsbowl. It features traditional music, dance, costume and speech and is now recognised as an important showcase of New Zealand’s diverse cultures and a celebration of youth performance.

Students will compete on five stages, performing traditional items from the following cultures – Cook Islands, Maori, Niue, Samoan and Tongan. here will also be a Diversity stage featuring performances from a range of cultural groups including Chinese, Korean and Indian.

The 2010 ASB Polyfest takes on special significance as it is the 35th anniversary of the festival.

Sir Edmund Hillary Collegiate return as the host school for festival for the 5th time. They hosted that first ever festival in 1976, so it is fitting that they return in 2010 to be an integral part of the 35th Anniversary of the ASB Polyfest.

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