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MARS Blog: 变革——2020年新西兰经济、政治注定要面对的局面

作者: 老墨儿    人气: 6788    日期: 2020/6/6

作者:MARS地产经理Keith Ward,一点ThePoint评论员心点

Beige and Brown Photo Moms Collection YouTube Thumbnail (2).jpg










更重要的是,许多大企业已经先行倒在了封城结束之前。汉堡王连锁快餐店破产,鲍尔媒体集团,新西兰多本知名杂志的母公司倒闭。此外,新西兰航空、Fletchers建筑公司、天空城等大型企业,都纷纷宣布裁员数千人以求自保。大树如此,小草何堪?Tony Alexander等专家,都对新西兰中小企业的命运感到悲观。在资金流等方面本就较大企业不如的众多小规模公司,将面临更艰难的局面。新西兰财政部保守估计,到2020年年底,国家的失业率将激增至百分之十,届时才是新西兰经济困局的开始。







Technology adoption and usage has had a massive increase in the CV19 lockdown and is likely to be continued and become more common in usage – why drive through rush hour traffic when you can Zoom or WeChat video to meet online?

LVR Rules being abolished is another HUGE change as this removes the Reserve Bank restriction put in place in late 2017 on deposit sizes – so first home buyers with low deposit but high incomes will now be able to buy a home, subject to banking consent. And investors who have strong business cashflow or personal income will be able to use equity in their existing portfolio more positively than when LVR rules were introduced so both these sectors of the market will benefit.

The new business loan of $10,000 to a maximum of $100,000 announced recently by the Govt was due to banks not approving many business loans under the previous package. Banks are not social services and will use their own assessment business criteria upon loans whereas the Govt. is wishing to be more supportive of any business that was solvent before CV19 and needs assistance to recover due to the impact and economic fallout of the Level 4 lockdown.

The Govt has also said it wishes more speedy building consents processes to see new build construction increase rapidly to help soak up rising unemployment numbers – unfortunately in Auckland, the Council has advised that due to CV19, they will now be taking up to 40 days to review and process building consents, double the previous 20 days before CV19 – a disconnect it appears!

Commercial construction and high rise apartment blocks certainly appear to be in doubt now whereas demand for residential property still appears strong with more buyers than sellers likely in the next few months – but what nobody can predict is how the market will react by say 2021 with unknowns in recovery in many industries. The market is the market and will show us as time passes but really the multiple “opinions of experts” being offered every second day is all rather moot.

And breaking news in the past 2 days is mortgage interest rates have dropped to 2.99% pa. as mortgage war breaks out between banks – great for qualifying buyers and the lowest rates in 70 years since WW2!


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