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作者: 廖秀才    人气:     日期: 2009/8/21



天涯遊子計歸程 , 三換航機抵火城  )

                                          入耳馬來英粵語 , 鄉愁卄載剎時清 



                                          未曾衣錦也還鄉 ,心似池魚返舊塘

                                          最是老來歡樂事 ,重逢親友話家常


 )火城 , 即哥打京那巴魯 ,Kota Kinabalu ,

馬來西亞沙巴洲首府 ,馬來語稱火為 Api 


A Visit to My Native Land

(1)  I traced my homeward bound journey from afar.
       It took me three transits before reaching the "City  of
       Words in Malay, English and Cantonese filled my ears.
       They had instantly banished my longing for home of twenty    

(2)  Though without glory, I had made my journey of home   
        I felt like a fish to its old pool returning.
       It was a joyous occasion for me in my olden years;
       To meet my relatives and friends again with words of 
       common cheers.

          By Donald Liow. ( the village scholar )


下一篇: 台灣水患 (慷慨解囊救同胞)


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