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華人文化沙龍迎春 聚德軒高會成詩兩首

作者: 廖秀才    人气:     日期: 2009/2/5

At the Literary Gathering to usher in the Spring Season at

Restaurant Ju De Xian I completed 2 Poems on the

Spot to Honour the Occasion.

By Donald Liow-----the village scholar.

(1) It has been twenty springs and autumns , since settling down in

New Zealand .

The thought of returning has never ceased especially before the

year comes to an end.

The gathering at the Ju De Xian is a joyous occasion for people

of elegance,

It has dispelled all sorrows of being away from home for those

who attend.


安居紐國卄春秋 , 歲暮思歸迄未休。

聚德軒中高士會 , 不知何物是鄉愁!

(2) The numerous events of the past have but vanished like a cloud

of smoke ,

Destiny lies in one`s hands and so be optimistic and happy counts

the most.

I have completed verses on the spot without changing many words

but one only,

Let us indulge ourselves in our calligraphy and drawings in welcoming

the new year wholeheartedly


紛紜往事去如煙 , 事在人為且樂天;

即席詩成更一字 , 放懷書畫便迎年!


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