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作者: 廖秀才    人气:     日期: 2009/1/23





Bade farewell to Wen Yang

At the Au Ben garden

And I hastily presented him with 2 poems to express

my parting feeling



猶記初相識 , 筵前獻拙詩

輸君才俊逸 , 風驥邈難追


(1)When we first met, I remember.

At the lunch, I presented you with my unpolished verse.

I cannot measure up to your talent and gracefulness for ever,

As it is impossible to catch up with a fast and running horse.



今夕沙龍會 , 沈吟惜別詞

舉杯惟一語 , 切勿誤歸期


(2)This evening we meet at the premises of the Saloon,

The tune of the parting verse is heavy,

I propose a toast to you with such words of my own,

That you do not miss the date of your return intentionally.









先驅能濟世 , 公正致良知

下筆春秋意 , 安心絕妙詞

環球資訊息 , 親善喜相期

願共開新境 , 文章雅俗宜


First met Wen Yang unexpectedly at the Sunshine Restaurant

And I wrote and  presented  him with a poem .

The New Zealand Chinese Herald can serve the world,

Because it is fair and just with good understanding.

You can write to expound the idea of Confucius as contained in

His great renowned book “ Spring and Autumn “.

What is suiting to your heart will be outstanding.

It provides all the information and news of the world.

To promote harmony among its people is what are glad to expect.

Let us work together to open up a new environment,

Where writings of all levels and types are acceptable.




下一篇: 雷英格海角与羅素鎮


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